Friday, January 10, 2014

1/9/204 Journal

DAR Journal

            When I arrived today, I had arrived before my mentor teacher.  Soon enough, my mentor teacher showed up.  Shortly after him, the students started piling into the classroom.  Once again, the day started off with the morning announcements.  The announcement again included students and was in the format of a news report.  After the announcements, students reviewed spelling words.  This time, I took over the spelling practice.  I made a basketball game word scramble on the SmartBoard.  Students seemed to enjoy this activity. 
            After spelling, my mentor teacher and my students reviewed their reading of “A Bushy Mustache”.  This time students read quietly to themselves.  After student reviewed the story, the created a problem and solutions flip sheet.  At the top, the students wrote the problem in the story, and at the bottom, students wrote the three solutions the character tried to resolve his issue.  This was challenging because students were confused as to what they were exactly supposed to be doing.  After a while, students eventually got the hang of.
            Shortly after Language Arts, the librarian and guidance counselor came into the classroom and worked on an Arts Integration lesson.  This lesson consisted of students being assigned 8 various famous people that were born on the Eastern Shore.  I was given the opportunity to assign the students in a group.  This activity took about an hour, and students worked really well.  With the use of laptops, students researched their famous people. 
            Math was a brief review of money.  Due to the fact that the Art Integrated lesson took up a large portion of the day, students only had time for a review.  There was also no time for Daily 5s today.
            Students went to lunch, then indoor recess, and then art.  At the end of the day, students again reviewed money and counting the basic coins.  At the end of the day students packed up and made their way to the buses.
            Once again, throughout the day I witnessed excellent classroom management.  Students knew what needed to be done for the most part, and questions about assignments were limited.  With the exception of the problem and solution activity, students grasped on to assignments.  Students who were typically behavior problems were better behaved today.  The resource teacher was present today. 
            I enjoyed taking over spelling today.  Students responded well to my basketball work scramble game on the SmartBoard.  It was fun playing around with the SmartBoard templates.  I’m excited to do it again!

            Each day is getting better and better.  Waking up early is still a struggle for me, but I do make it to school one time each day.  Students are more and more responding well to me being present in the classroom.  I’m meshing well with my mentor teacher and as each day goes on, I’m enjoying myself.  I’m eager to begin taking on more roles and the day’s progress.  Classroom management will definitely be a struggle of mine, but I will get a lot of practice with this class.

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